The Movie
The Devil and Shelley Lubben is an episodic documentary project launched by writer-filmmaker Michael Whiteacre in late 2010 that examines the curious and notorious life of its titular character.The Filmmaker
Born in New York as Ari Bass, and educated an New York University and Vanderbilt Law School, he selected his nom de porn in honor of Dean Martin, whose character bore the name Michael Whiteacre in the film The Young Lions. Whiteacre relocated to Los Angeles in 1993, the same year that Shelley Lubben (then Shelley Moore) tried but failed to make an impact in the world of pornography.The Cast
The large cast includes a mix of leading adult performers, scholars, commentators, and friends and family of Shelley Lubben, including:
Julia Ann
Michelle Avanti
Jenni Case
Dave Cummings
Guy DiSilva
Alana Evans
Jessi Fischer
Ernest Greene
Nina Hartley
Savannah Jane
Kayden Kross
Sinnamon Love
Maggie McNeill
Melissa Monet
Chris Moore
Jordan Owen
Christina Parreira
Sierra Sinn
Anna Span
Taryn Thomas
Raven Touchstone
Johnny Trejo
Danny Wylde