Showing posts with label Joe Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Valley. Show all posts

Shelley Lubben, Boyfriend Kicked Off School Property, Then CAUGHT ON TAPE

Shelley Lubben and Joseph "Homeless Joe" Valley Caught On Tape After Lubben, Reeking of Alcohol, Was Asked To Leave School Property

Bakersfield, Calif. -- On Friday, December 16, 2016, Shelley Lubben, 48, and boyfriend Joseph Michael Valley, 26, drove her Jeep to Bakersfield on a mission.

Lubben had recently been the recipient of a Cease and Desist letter from her ex-husband, Garrett, which directed her to stop using the names, likenesses and address of her ex and their two daughters, who reside with him and of whom he has physical custody.
An excerpt from the Lubben family's Cease and Desist letter to Shelley Lubben
Shelley, who will be forced to testify in court in February to substantiate the bizarre and dubious charges she has leveled against her ex, apparently saw the need to appear like a dedicated parent to the minor daughter she abandoned last year. Some might also say that she had an interest in trying to shore up character witness testimony in the case, as her daughter recently told her she never wanted to see her again and demanded that Shelley stay away from her.

Lubben turned up unannounced at her daughter's high school at around 2:00 pm, and spoke to a female academic counselor. The counselor had never met Mrs. Lubben, even though all three of her daughters had attended the school. Shelley Lubben only shows up when the occasion is about her.

Garrett, on the other hand, was a frequent visitor to the school over the years, for events and parent-teacher conferences.

Lubben reportedly smelled of alcohol and, after inquiring about her daughter's participation in clubs and sports, she asked a series of bizarre and suspicious questions, including how long her daughter's hair was, and which colleges she was considering attending. She told the counselor that she needed to connect with her daughter because her husband would be going to jail soon, and she wondered if she could see her daughter.

Alarmed by Lubben's erratic demeanor, the counselor reminded her that she had been given a portal to view her daughter's recent grades, but beyond that she'd have to look elsewhere.

Having not gotten exactly what she wanted, Shelley became hysterical and was promptly shown the door.  At around 2:30, she got back into the Jeep with Joe Valley, when a school security guard approached them to ask what they were doing there. Shelley told the guard she hoped to see her daughter as she walked to or from class. The guard's response was to immediately tell them to leave the property.

At 2:37, the school phoned Garrett Lubben, informed him of what had taken place, and assured him that Shelley would no longer be permitted on school premises and had been banned from attending her daughter's graduation.

Once Shelley and Joe hit the road, Shelley knowingly or unknowingly phoned the school. However, the call went poorly. To say the very least...
Shelley Lubben, Boyfriend Kicked Off School Property, Then CAUGHT ON TAPE

Instead of being connected to the someone at the high school, Lubben ended up unwittingly leaving a 6 minute voicemail recording that captured her private conversation with Valley.

The conversation, an audio file of which is in my possession, constitutes, in essence, Shelley's post mortem of her experience inside the school.

Shelley sounds anxious and complains that she was treated unfairly after she got emotional, "I didn't do anything wrong!" and strums her own banjo to the tune of "I'm such a fair and forgiving person."

The two talk over each other quite a bit, and as Joe tries to calm Shelley and make sense of what just happened, at approximately 90 seconds in, he non-chalantly asks "Are you on speed?" Lubben registers neither surprise nor outrage at the question.

Lubben has long claimed to be a reformed drug addict and alcoholic -- or rather, that God almighty miraculously "cured" her of all her physical and psychological maladies -- yet in reality she has been in and out of rehabilitation facilities and psych wards for years. In his court filing for a protection order against Shelley earlier this year, her ex-husband confirmed that she remains a "heavy drinker" who abuses prescription drugs.

According to reports, Joe Valley has also been a drug user, and has a lengthy arrest record.

Lubben complains of having been "accused right there" at the school, and demurs again that she "didn't do anything wrong; the whole time I was talking like I'm talking now."

It is clear from the recording that Lubben is afraid of what her daughters would say in front of a jury. "I don't want use them against me!" she exclaims.

Of her youngest daughter, Lubben complains, "I never ever did one thing wrong to her, the little bitch."

One of the strangest and most ironic moments on the recording is where Lubben implies that she is owed sympathy because she is "a victim of domestic violence." Lubben wears the phrase with the same comfort as her other weaponized line about being "a victim" and "survivor of the porn industry". The irony, however, is the only person who's ever been convicted of beating her is the man sitting next to her. She also accused Valley of rape on the same occasion -- which was nearly one year prior to this road trip.

Suddenly the tone of Lubben's voice changes. "You know what we're doing? We're coming back here...."

Other material in the conversation (which I shall withhold for the time being), combined with Lubben's behavior at the school, caused sufficient alarm amongst the administration -- and particularly with the academic counselor who incurred Lubben's wrath -- that the school called Lubben back to inform her that they were going to the police. The event was given a police incident number, and a detective has been assigned. This is particularly bad news for Valley, who is on probation following his release from jail for beating Shelley.

More on this amazing turn of events coming soon...

Will Shelley Lubben Take a Powder to Save Face? Testimony Pushed 60 Days

Will a two-month reprieve be enough time for the adulterous "rebel prophet" to cash out of the Springville property she obtained in her divorce settlement and become "unavailable"to testify?

December 1, 2016, Porterville, Calif. -- In Tulare County Superior Court, the deputy district attorney tasked with prosecuting Shelley Lubben's husband based on her strange, and shall we say fluid version of events, acknowledged that his office had failed to adequately prepare for today's hearing.

DDA Vicente Reyes has yet to fulfill the discovery requests made by Garrett Lubben's attorney, and failed to subpoena his witnesses (principal among them, Shelley Lubben and the sheriff to which she first presented her charges) in time for a scheduled December 5 hearing. The judge scheduled a resetting for today's hearing on Feb. 2, 2017, with Feb. 6 slated for witness testimony.

Shelley, having been spurned by her now ex-husband after admitting to her affair with a ranch worker, is currently trying to retract her exculpatory statement about him, made under penalty of perjury, claiming it was given under duress.

Her retraction, however, was apparently not made under penalty of perjury.

This further -- some would say, unconscionable -- delay in the court proceedings against her ex, frankly, has "Shelley Lubben" written all over it. It positively stinks of her.

With the prospect of character witnesses lined up to annihilate her last shred of credibility, the pressure upon Lubben is enormous. Famously enthralled with her own celebrity for the sake of the attention and validation from the flock that it provides, Lubben is undoubtedly freaking out right about now.

Even though, with genuine contempt, she herself views her support base as gullible rubes, the prospect of ending up with irrefutable egg on her face is not something a glib narcissist can abide.

She has written to Garrett of suicidal thoughts, and sent strange, even sentimental farewell messages to her family, so it's easy to divine that the idea of escape already commands substantial weight in her mind. And with each drop in asking price for her "Lubben Ranch", the case can be more easily made that Lubben is hoping to put off and ultimately avoid her inevitable humiliation in the halls of justice.

Lubben knocked $50k off her asking price on Nov. 20, 2016

Setting up house in another county or state, would permit her to once again play victim -- here one can easily imagine her raspy complaints about being stalked by porn industry "hit squads" -- as well as "prophet in the wilderness". But again, it all hinges upon her never being rebuked, humiliated and perhaps even prosecuted in a court of law.

A close watch is warranted on Shelley's moves over the coming weeks.

UPDATE: I am informed that "taking a powder" is a colloquialism with which some are not familiar. An enlightening discussion about the phrase and its likely origins may be found here.

Shelley Lubben Accused Current Boy-Toy Of Rape, Assault With Deadly Weapon

New details revealed in court documents

What effect will this case have on the curious DV charges she brought against her then-husband, Garrett?

Springville, Calif -- A lot of readers have been enquiring about Joe Valley, the luckless (and otherwise homeless) captive boyfriend of former anti-porn scamster and self-promoter par excellence, Shelley Lubben.

Frankly, I feel very sorry for this kid, and here's why:

Since breaking the news about the then-married Lubben's affair with Valley, which began in the summer of 2015, we've learned more about their tumultuous relationship.
First published pic of the star-crossed couple

As noted previously, on Christmas Eve 2015 (incidentally, also Valley's 26th birthday), the bleach-blonde Mrs. Robinson wanna-be dialed 911 about an attack at the Springville ranch property her husband had purchased.

The Tulare County sheriffs took Joe Valley into custody, and he was booked on early Christmas morning.

Valley, who had been living in his Jeep until Mrs. Lubben beckoned to join her atop the mountain, was unable to pay his bond, and remained in jail until trial. 

Presented here for the first time is the felony criminal complaint against Joseph Valley, which was filed by the District Attorney on December 29:

Now, rape and assault with a deadly weapon are no laughing matter. Yet, according to a spokesman for the Tulare County Superior Court, Valley was able to "plead to one count, while the others were dismissed." Surely DNA evidence would point to Valley. Did Lubben change her story?

His charge of domestic battery lowered to misdemeanor-level, Valley was sentenced to 90 days in jail, with credit for time served, given probation, and released on March 22, 2016.

By then, Lubben's husband, Garrett, had already refused her numerous pleas for a second chance, and filed for divorce... setting the stage for a Lubben-Valley reunion.

What does all this mean for the curious DV charges she brought against her then-husband, Garrett, then retracted under penalty of perjury, before attempting to retract her retraction?

More on this ongoing story, as Shelley Lubben's December 5, 2016 appearance on the witness stand looms.

Shelley Lubben Served With Restraining Order To Protect Ex-Husband and Daughters

The latest twist in the Shelley Lubben saga finds the assault rifle-toting nut job reunited with boy-toy Joseph "Homeless Joe" Valley at the "Lubben Ranch" property she is trying to unload, and relying on her trusty California Medical Marijuana card (despite having condemned its use all these years), but more estranged than ever from her own family.

As usual Lubben has overstepped -- first, she informed Garrett of her new love affair, then after Garrett tried to make a clean break by giving her everything in Springville in the divorce -- the house, property, cars, etc, totaling more than a half million dollars in worth (in lieu of spousal support) -- Lubben trumped up a bribery charge against Garrett, in addition to the Domestic Violence and Resisting Arrest charges that were piled on him last year at the ranch, after he knew about Joe, but prior to their divorce.


It seems Shelley Lubben has been engaging a pattern of harassment against Garrett and their daughters, so Garrett asked for and received a Temporary Restraining Order from a Bakersfield court. The Order, which will be published here as soon as it arrives, is noted in the Lubben vs Lubben divorce file:

FLDV stands for the Faith Leaders in Domestic Violent program, and may indicate that the couple sought counseling at some point for Shelley's issues.

PET is traditionally a reference to stalking activity, and CLETS stands for the California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System, the means by which this information was transmitted.

Along with the TRO, Shelley has been served with a Notice to Appear in Bakersfield before Judge Stephen D. Schuett at the court's Metropolitan Division, located at 3131 Arrow St, Bakersfield, CA 93308 -- just next door to one of Shelley's favorite Bakersfield eateries, Buck Owens' Crystal Palace.

The tables have turned, and now everything Garrett has been accused of is being put back on Shelley.

Incidentally, Shelley reportedly placed another 911 call regarding Homeless Joe recently, but they have been reunited for at least the last month or so, and they remain living together at the Springville marijuana pit known as the Lubben Ranch.

Lubben vs Lubben, it would appear, has only just begun.

Everything Must Go! Newly-Divorced Shelley Lubben Dumping 6-BR Springville Property

In May 2015, while they still strived to appear to the outside world as a happy couple, Shelley and Garrett Lubben were making plans that would give them each time away from the other. They sold their 3,500 sq ft Bakersfield McMansion, and Garrett purchased a less-costly 4-bedroom house in Bakersfield, for himself and his two daughters by Shelley. One of the benefits of this maneuver was that their youngest would not have to change schools, the second unspoken upside was that the kids would get a break from their lunatic mother.

Shelley and Garrett then co-signed on a 13.7-acre, 6-bedroom property in Springville, California, way out in the country. The property, for which they paid in the low $300,000's was deeded in both of their names, possibly because of Garrett's superior credit and earnings. But still, a 6-BR property sounds more like a family home than Shelley Lubben's seroquel and ativan-induced dream of San Simeon.

Easy come, easy go

However, her affair with ranch hand Joseph Valley became known, and Shelley had her husband arrested TWICE, Garrett filed for divorce.  (Garrett also maintains that none of Shelley's charges against him are valid, and that custody of their children remains with him.)

Whatever Shelley's hopes for the Springville property had been, they were forever dashed, and in October 2015 -- a mere five months after it was wedded to the Lubbens -- the property was put up for sale once again.

Their Bakersfield McMansion eventually sold in December 2015, after the Lubbens dropped the asking price several times.

Here are some more listings for what Shelley has dubbed "the Lubben Ranch":

The property being deeded in both Shelley and Garrett's names, unless rumors that Garrett ceded most of the couple's property to Shelley during their split, some, if not most, of the sales proceeds should be owed to him.

But there's more:

Shelley recently gave an interview to the local paper. Same old BS, but she told the reporter that she loves the Springville/Porterville area. You can read it here.

She mentions needing to find roommates (times are tough for down-on-their-luck, divorced, soon-to-be homeless, 'weary prophets'). Shelley has also alluded to her financial woes on Facebook, first by begging for a work-from-home job, and then with posts like this:

And just this past weekend, Shelley hosted a yard sale:

Check back for more updates to this story.

Lubbens To Face Off June 9, at Divorce Conference in Bakersfield

Bakersfield, Calif - In the wake of suspicious domestic violence charges and a genuine sex scandal surrounding self-proclaimed "prophet" and former Pink Cross Foundation head Shelley Lubben, the beleaguered Garrett Lubben filed for divorce in March of this year.

Lubbens To Face-Off June 9, at Divorce Conference in Bakersfield
Shelley and Garrett Lubben, seen here during a disastrous PornHarms webcast
from their home in Bakersfield, will face each other in court June 9.

Last week, Kern County Superior Court in Bakersfield set the first date in the Lubbens' divorce proceeding: a Mandatory Settlement Conference on June 9 at 1:30 p.m.

The Lubbens are next scheduled to meet face to face on July 19 at 10 a.m., when Garrett has court dates in his criminal cases in Tulare County Superior Court: a Jury Trial setting in his September DV case, and a Jury Trial Confirmation in his October resisting arrest case.

Over on Facebook, Shelley doesn't seem all that upset about the divorce . . . and blames porn for her marital problems. Really.

"We"? Who's "we"? Garrett filed on you after the aforementioned series of events.

We will have copies of the divorce filings shortly, but for now, as an FYI for readers, here is the divorce process in California:

Shelley Lubben Sex Scandal !! -- Lubben vs. Lubben

The Fall of the House of Lubben:

Adultery! Wild Charges! Divorce! Guns! Paranoia! Photos and new twists emerge in the Shelley Lubben saga.

I recently received the following email concerning our favorite anti-porn charlatan:

I will keep names out of this but i have worked for shelley for years and i have been to the "Lubben Ranch" and worked for shelley lubben and a man named joe. i was not aware of garrett going to jail until poeple around town were talking. i was introduced to this ranch hand/ foreman as the boyfriend of shelley lubben. i did some work for her, for which i was never payed, [sic] but the man she was living with i guess she called the cops for a domestic disturbance and he was arrested some time around the christmas holidays.

i snapped these pics off of shelleys laptop when she was outside. all i know is that they seemed to be in love and his name is Joe[. He's] locked up in porterville or tulare and he's originally from bakersfield. also she uploaded some videos of him on her facebook. in your story i would like to let shelley know i have been working for her for years. and she needs mental help oh and her husband is a good lover :)

Along with the message came the following two photos:

Shelley Lubben Sex Scandal -- Lubben vs.Lubben Divorce Case

Shelley Lubben Sex Scandal -- Lubben vs.Lubben Divorce case

Research indicates that "Joe" is Joseph Valley, aged 27, and that he was arrested by Tulare County Sheriffs early on Christmas morning, 2015, at the "Lubben Ranch".  

His bail was set at $50,000, which he has been unable to pay.

Mommy Wasn't Kissing Santa Claus

Garrett Lubben cuckolded by wife Shelley Lubben and Joseph Valley
Garrett, cuckolded no more

Shelley's husband, Garrett Lubben, was working on the road doing sales for his new company, with a home base in Bakersfield to watch the couple's two daughters -- so the youngest won't have to change schools -- while Shelley was in Springville getting real cozy with Joe the ranch hand in the love nest where Shelley had Garrett arrested TWICE in 2015 under dubious circumstances.

Sources says that the May-December romance began in the summer of 2015, not long after the Lubbens purchased the property and hired some workers, including Joe, to get it into shape.

Did Garrett walk in on something?

And why is Joe in jail? 

Wouldn't you know it, Shelley called in yet another DV case to the Tulare County Sheriffs.

UPDATE: It turns out her original claims were worse than that. See here

How Green Was My Valley?

Joe Valley does indeed hail from Bakersfield, where he had a few minor criminal cases, including:

Many of the charges against Valley suggest that he has been homeless and panhandling from time to time. The arrest log for the 2011 battery case lists his profession as "dishwasher".

Since the Springville "Lubben Ranch" is deeded in both Shelley and Garrett's names, it will be interesting indeed to see how this all shakes out at Garrett's upcoming trial in Porterville in April.

Now what could have set off this chain of events?

Perhaps the answer lies here:

On Oct. 13, 2015, five days after being arrested a second time at Shelley's "Ranch", Garrett filed for a legal separation in Bakersfield.

Did Garrett walk in on something?

Shelley Lubben Sex Scandal -- Lubben vs.Lubben Divorce case
SOURCE: Kern County Superior Court website

Today, March 14, Garrett amended his petition to Dissolution of Marriage (divorce).

Joe Valley is scheduled for release on March 22.

UPDATE (March 22): Joe Valley has been released from custody, his sentence served.

UPDATE (March 24): Shelley has been served with Garrett's divorce papers.

The way of Peace

Shelley Lubben Sex Scandal -- Lubben vs.Lubben Divorce case
SOURCE: Kern County Superior Court website

Over on Facebook, Shelley doesn't seem all that upset . . . and blames porn for her marital problems. Really.

Shelley, no one asked you to fight porn. Oh that's right. . . God almighty woke you up on the middle of the night and appointed you prophet in charge of eradicating porn (and if so, you failed conclusively, as did -- by extension -- God, which of course makes no sense).

Nice that you "hope people were helped." I'm pretty sure if anyone was helped it was purely accidental.

"We"? Who's "we"? Garrett filed on you after the aforementioned series of events.

FYI for readers: here is the divorce process in California:

UPDATE (March 29) Shelley inches closer to Branch Davidian / Jonestown-level paranoia:

Shelley Lubben's pink handgun

Shelley Lubben with AR-15
The mismatched, clashing plaids are a bonus.

Be vewy vewy quiet...